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Character Interview: Joshua Allen from G.A. Minton’s horror/sci-fi novel, TRISOMY XXI

character interview

We’re thrilled to have here today, Joshua Allen, from G.A. Minton’s new horror/sci-fi novel, TRISOMY XXI.  Joshua is a sixteen-year-old high school student living in Tranquil, Arizona.

It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Beyond the Books!

Thank you so for this interview, Joshua.  Now that the book has been written, do you feel you were fairly portrayed or would you like to set anything straight with your readers?

G.A. Minton did a remarkable job portraying me in his horror/sci-fi novel, TRISOMY XXI. There are very few books that have a boy with Down Syndrome as its main character, and the author went into great detail describing everything about me, from my birth to my superhuman transformation. The reader will especially enjoy the many twists and turns the storyline takes, as my friends and I battle a deadly creature from another world. The character of Joshua was actually based on a mentally-challenged cousin of G.A.’s, who shared many wonderful experiences with him during their childhood years. Unfortunately, G.A.’s cousin succumbed to cancer as a young man many years ago.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000040_00001]Do you feel the author did a good job colorizing your personality?  If not, how would you like to have been portrayed differently?

I think that my personality traits were accurately depicted in the book, given my fantastic metamorphosis, which changed me both mentally and physically. G.A. painstakingly described me “to a tee,” his descriptive words transforming me into a three-dimensional character that the reader could mentally visualize and identify with.

What do you believe is your strongest trait?

The will and intellect to overcome any obstacle that should happen to block my path or deter me from my mission.

Worse trait?

The naiveness of youth, with its inability to recognize that evil comes in all shapes and sizes.

If you could choose someone in the television or movie industry to play your part if your book was made into a movie, who would that be (and you can’t say yourself!)?

If Brad Pitt were only younger! I believe that Dakota Goyo is a skilled teenage actor who could play my part well, but there are also a number of other young movie stars who could skillfully portray me as well.

Do you have a love interest in the book?

Tara Tisdale, a beautiful young girl who accompanies me on my journey into the unknown. She is truly amazing!

At what point of the book did you start getting nervous about the way it was going to turn out?

There’s no predicting what will happen in TRISOMY XXI—the book captivates its reader from the beginning to the very end—making it extremely hard to put it down. Trisomy XXI is unlike any horror book you have ever read!

If you could trade places with one of the other characters in the book, which character would you really not want to be and why?

Niles Slovinsky, because he is such an evil person. When you read the book, you’ll see what I mean.

How do you feel about the ending of the book without giving too much away?

TRISOMY XXI’s unpredictable but awesome ending would mystify even the likes of the great Sherlock Holmes!

What words of wisdom would you give your author if he decided to write another book with you in it?

I would urge him to utilize the same formula for the sequel as he employed in writing TRISOMY XXI, thus ensuring another big hit for its readers.

Thank you for this interview, Joshua.  Will we be seeing more of you in the future?

As prolific a writer as G.A. Minton is, it wouldn’t surprise me at all—but time will only tell!


About the Author

From his early childhood, G.A. Minton has always been a diehard fan of science fiction and horror. Whenever a scary movie was playing down at the local theatre, he was there in attendance with his friends, loudly screaming in terror alongside them. G.A. enjoys many hobbies, but the game of golf is one of his favorites, having lettered on his high school golf team. Besides writing, he also enjoys reading, traveling, fishing, swimming, snorkeling, working out, listening to hard rock music, and watching great movies—especially those genres that encompass horror, science fiction, mystery, and comedy. G.A. is married, and lives in Texas with his wife, a son and daughter, and two Bengal cats.

Strangely enough, it was only after G.A. was rear-ended by a drunk driver and suffered a closed-head injury, that he developed a newfound passion for writing (even though this story has the makings for a cheesy Stephen King horror novel, it is nonetheless true—he is now called “the savant horror writer” by his friends).

Links to book: for TRISOMY XXI paperback on Amazon for TRISOMY XXI eBook on Amazon for TRISOMY XXI paperback and eBook on Barnes & Noble for TRISOMY XXI eBook on Smashwords for TRISOMY XXI paperback and eBook on G.A. Minton’s author webpage at World Castle Publishing website

Links to website and social media: for G.A. Minton author webpage at World Castle Publishing for 5-Star reviews of TRISOMY XXI at book review page on Readers’ Favorite website for 5-Star review of TRISOMY XXI at Goodreads website for G.A. Minton author webpage at Goodreads for G.A. Minton Facebook URL page for G.A. Minton Twitter URL page for G.A. Minton Google+ URL page for G.A. Minton URL page for TRISOMY XXI YouTube book trailer

The Story behind TRISOMY XXI, by G.A. Minton

The Story Behind the Book

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000040_00001]Trisomy XXI is the thrilling story about the adventures of Joshua Allen, a sixteen-year-old boy who was born with an extra chromosome—a genetic aberration known as Trisomy XXI, or Down Syndrome. When a serious accident leaves him in a coma at the hospital, Joshua receives a mysterious injection that endows him with supernatural powers. The transformed teen is linked to a string of bizarre, unexplained deaths that have both the town’s sheriff and the coroner completely baffled. But when a ghastly creature from another planet lands on Earth and begins its hunt for Joshua—viciously slaughtering anyone in its path in order to complete its deadly mission—Joshua and his friends are thrown into a world of horror that is totally out of control. What follows is a horrific life-and-death struggle with the seemingly-indestructible extraterrestrial being. The salvation of an entire race of aliens hangs in the balance!

The “story” behind my…

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