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Book Blitz! Climbing for Roots by Alan Noble

Title: Climbing for Roots
Author: Alan Noble
Genre: Religion/Spiritual Growth/Christian Life
Publisher: Axiom

Climbing for Roots will explain fully the sin that so completely corrupted creation, and the plan of God for our salvation. We learn that Jesus is not only our Savior, but is also the Lord of our lives. What does that mean? That obedience will never earn us God’s love but it will always produce blessing. We learn that our salvation is secure, but we must strive for obedience because we are created to do good works.
When we trust Jesus for salvation, we become members of a new family—the family of God, also known as the church. Imagine! God is now our Father. As members of this incredible family, certain changes take place within us. We get learn about worship and praise, and have a relationship with Him. Climbing for Roots will teach us about ourselves as new creations, about this church, and about Jesus, the Son of God! We learn about the two ordinances or rites Jesus has given His church that will help us to remember who we are as Christians—baptism, and communion. As a member of God’s church, we learn that we are to serve each other in unity. We must consider others more important than ourselves. We learn that we need to persevere together, so that when Jesus returns, He will find us doing what He has left us here to do—serving Him by serving others.
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Alan R. Noble is a born-again Christian, schooled in the Word since childhood. He was fortunate to sit under capable preaching and teaching throughout his life. His passion for the spiritual welfare of young people grew out of his years of work experience, and his understanding of the Scriptures. He realizes that young Christians need instruction in the meat as well as the milk of the Word (Hebrews 5:12-14).

Mr. Noble was educated at William Paterson University, a liberal arts institute in Northern New Jersey, and received a B.A. in education, with a certificate to teach elementary school. Later, he received an M.A. in Communication Arts, and a certificate in supervision. He worked as an educator for 31 years.

After his retirement from public education Mr. Noble enjoyed teaching in Christian Schools in New Jersey and Texas.

These days find Alan and his wife Kathie enjoying their travels between Kansas City and northern New Jersey as they visit their daughters’ families that include six beautiful grandchildren.

Pump Up Your Book and Alan are teaming up to give away a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:

• By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
• One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive the prize.
• This giveaway begins November 3 and ends on November 28, 2014.
• Winner will be contacted via email on December 1, 2014.
• Winner has 72 hours to reply.

Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Climbing for Roots Book Blitz Schedule
November 3
November 4
November 5
November 6
November 7
November 10
November 11
November 12
November 13
November 14
November 17
November 18
November 19
November 20
November 21
November 24
November 25
November 26
November 28

Character Interview: Savannah Evans from Gary Rodriguez’s Tween/YA Adventure Novel, ‘Escape Through The Wilderness’

Escape Through the Wilderness coverThank you so much for this interview, Savi.  Now that the book has been written, do you feel you were fairly portrayed or would you like to set anything straight with your readers?

I do think I was portrayed fairly and accurately throughout the book.  I believe I am a strong and compassionate person who values friendships and holds deep spiritual convictions.  The book did a good job of showing my inclination toward leadership, my passion for faith, and my feelings about friendships.  The story also revealed why I’ve been carrying some deep hurt inside of me the last several months.

I’d also like to make sure the readers know that I feel badly about what I did to Jade during the elk stampede.  Especially, after I found out all she’d been through before arriving at Camp Arrowhead. I wish there was a way I could take that moment back.  That was a real low point for me.

What do you believe is your strongest trait?

I’d have to say my faith.  Some people are ashamed to let others know they believe in God and read the Bible.  I’m not ashamed of that at all. As a matter of fact, I’m proud of it.

Life is full of challenges.  When I face trouble, I know where to turn for help.  It has always been a comfort to know that I don’t have to face life’s difficulties alone.

In today’s culture, being a Christian, especially from the South, often has a stigma attached to it.  But I love who I am and where I’m from, and I’m grateful for my conservative southern upbringing.  But I try not to be a “preachy” person.  I think it’s more important to live out what I believe than just to talk about it.  That said, when my friends ask me questions about my faith, then I’m happy to share with them.

Worse trait?

I get impatient at times.  My impatience was evident when I thought Jade was asking me too many questions during a particularly trying situation.

When I look back on the incident I know she was just scared, like we all were, and needed some help and reassurance.  I could have handled myself a lot better.

If you could choose someone in the television or movie industry to play your part, if your book were made into a movie, who would that be (and you can’t say yourself!)?

The most important thing for me is that the actress portrayed my faith and values accurately.  That would ensure they would represent me, in a way, that is credible and in keeping with who I am.

If I had to pick a random person I’ve never met, I think I’d choose either Shailene Woodley, an American actress, starring in Divergent or Ella Purnell, an English actress, you may have seen in Maleficent.

They’re both great actresses, and I’d be honored to have either of them choose to play me in the movie version of Escape Through The Wilderness.

At what point of the book did you start getting nervous about the way it was going to turn out?

Honestly, I was nervous from the time we started the river-rafting trip, especially after the accident.  It was very scary for the four of us to be alone in the wilderness and so far away from camp.  But things really got bad after Rico and Conner got hurt.  That’s when I started to think “there’s no way we’re going to make it back to camp alive.” However, I decided it was best to keep those thoughts to myself.

If you could trade places with one of the other characters in the book, which character would you really not want to be and why?

I think I’d have to say Conner.  When I first met him, he was a bully, and I detest bullies.  Then he seemed weak and ineffective when we got in trouble on the river.  Eventually, he changed into someone I actually liked.  But if I had to choose, he’s the one I’d least want to be.

How do you feel about the ending of the book without giving too much away?

It was a difficult but awesome ending.  It leaves readers uncertain about the outcome until the last few pages.  It’s one of those dramatic and suspenseful endings that I wouldn’t change for the world.  I’m convinced that readers will love it.  There’s no way you can guess how things will turn out.  Even I was fooled.

What words of wisdom would you give your author if he decided to write another book with you in it?

Create another thrilling adventure. Escape Through The Wilderness was so exciting and intense.  I’d like to see the sequel match the level of intensity found in the first book.  I think readers will expect that.  I happen to know the author quite well, and he listens to my input.  I’ll make sure he makes the sequel at least as good as Escape Through The Wilderness.

Thank you for this interview, Savi.  Will we see more of you in the future?

I’m not trying to be elusive, but you’ll have to read the first book to find out.  I will say this is the first book in the series. Look for the second book sometimes around the summer of 2015.

Before I go, I want to thank you for taking time to interview me.  I hope your readers enjoy the book.

Finally, Escape Through The Wilderness is the kind of book that was written to impact and inspire readers.  If you read the book and enjoy it, please consider buying a copy for a friend. Good friends have given me several of my favorite books.  Sharing a good story is a special way to bless someone.

Thanks again for your time.

Savi Evans

Gary Rodriguez


Gary Rodriguez is president of LeaderMetrix Inc., a consulting company that specializes in senior-level executive coaching, organizational development and conflict resolution. He is the author of the new adventure novel Escape through the Wilderness scheduled for release in June 2014. 

His first book Purpose-Centered Public Speaking was an instant hit and recently republished by Tate Publishing. 

His extensive resume includes eighteen years as an executive in the radio business where he spent several years as one of the original managers of Infinity Broadcasting. He was twice nominated as medium market manager of the year by the Bobby Poe report, a national media publication. 

For over thirty-five years, Gary has spoken in public both nationally and internationally.  Gary’s resume includes a season in the U.S. Army where he was highly decorated as the youngest Drill Instructor in the Army’s history at age 18 years. He was also awarded the Silver Star (the nation’s third highest award for valor) while serving in Viet Nam.

For more information about Escape Through The Wilderness please visit: or

Unlocking Your Spiritual Greatness Book Blitz – Win $25 Amazon Gift Card

Title of Book # 1: Unlocking Your Spiritual Greatness
ISBN:  978-1-105-46980-0
Genre: Spiritual Maturity, Christianity, Discipleship Training
Publisher: LuLu Enterprises, Inc.
Publication Date: 2005, 2011
Just like there are specific physical exercises that are good for physical conditioning, there are specific spiritual exercises that are good, in fact, essential for our spiritual conditioning and growth. If you want to grow spiritually, you have to do spiritual exercises. (1Timothy 4:8)
This book looks to Jesus for “duplicate-able” activities for the model for our growth. For years Christian writers have identified specific activities regularly evidenced in his earthly life and called them Spiritual or Christian Disciplines. I believe that if it was useful for Jesus to be disciplined in his worship and praise to God, then it is useful for us as well. Further, I believe that the inclusion of Christian Disciplines in our lives, or what I call the Disciplined Training Approach places us in obedient submission to God and that is where we are supposed to be. 
Book excerpt:
God has outlined a plan for living that when followed will bring us into a closer fellowship with Him. All the treasure in the world will not purchase it, but God will provide it for free to whosoever really wants it. No matter how worthless you may think you are, you can become one of the greatest treasures in the world.  You can become the person God wants you to be, equipped with all the supernatural power for the Kingdom work He wants you to do!  
Simply put, if you hear what God tells you, trust that He will not lead you astray and do what you’re told to do, you will experience the peace God planned for you. More than that, the consequences of ignoring God can be anxiety, frustration, depression and even eternal separation from Him.
People, however, are not simple.  In fact, we go to great lengths to take something simple and complicate it.  Our relationship with God should be personal, based on the time we spend with Him.  We can’t manufacture a relationship with Him, but we can come to know him based on our personal experiences.
If you want to be blessed, comforted or reassured in a small way, then exercise a small amount of faith.  If however, you need your life changed… it may take more. It starts with regular prayer, regular meditation and regular listening. It continues when we do things outside our comfort zone and that’s exactly where faith begins.
Your life will change when you realize God’s ability
zone is greater than your comfort zone.
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Title of Book #2   God’s Answer, Praying the Scriptures Back to God
God gave us the Bible as a constant reminder of His love and plan for us. More than a historical document, it is truly alive. As we read His Word and become heart-linked with Him, a supernatural transformation begins to take place in us.  God’s Word is alive and we can’t comprehend it all at once. That explains why you can read a passage several times over weeks or months and receive a different message from the same verses.
God gave us prayer as an avenue or vehicle that He designed for us so we could be in constant communication with Him. God’s Answer seeks to bring you to His Throne of Grace, where prayers are answered, (Hebrews 4:16) so that you can claim the promises God makes about today’s problems. That’s a tall order, so let’s look at what He said about prayer in His Living Word, the Bible.
Several times He promises us that He will hear and in fact, answer our prayers. It would be great to think that we always get what we want or that we could just name it and claim it, but that simply is not the case. What we can claim is the promises God makes and we will be exploring those. Let’s examine a few passages and see what they reveal beyond God hearing us and answering our prayers.
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Title of Book #3        A Place of Faith, When There is No Place Else to Go
What or where is the place of faith?  Is it a physical location? No, it is where we are when we step out into the unknown in a blind, yet obedient faith because that is all we have left.  Our Christian vocabulary is filled with ideas, quotes and even promises from God that are meant for comfort and reassurance. As real as God’s Word is, what happens when all has been recalled and rehearsed and we still find ourselves alone at the place of faith. A Place of Faith defines faith from a real and practical viewpoint, then develops it’s progression from a measure of faith, to a step and then a leap of faith.  Most importantly, time is spent on the Enemy of Faith and the Trial of Faith and finally, The Results of Faith. Each chapter concludes with a hymn that reinforces the points made in the chapter and a few reflection questions.
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Title of Book #4  Living on the Dark Side of Faith
While faith has two sides, they are both sides of the same thing. The word faith cannot be substituted for the word belief or theology. It is more than a collection of thoughts about religion. It is more than simply believing in the existence of God, the demons in Hell do that. The faith we speak of is in God and how, though we may not see how, He will provide for His beloved. The faith we have is certain; it is the evidence of things to come. It begins with a measure and increases with experience and that often means a trial or test of our faith.
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About the author:


Jim Greene makes his home in Knoxville, TN in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. An avid backpacker, his countless hours in the outdoors have often blessed him with many topics to write about.
As a layman Sunday School teacher, he challenges himself and his class to strive for and enjoy a closer relationship with God. Each of his books look to God as the ultimate authority in our lives. He is the author of Unlocking Your Spiritual Greatness, God’s Answer, A Place of Faith, When There is Nowhere Else to Go, and Living on the Dark Side of Faith. His next book is entitled, When Waiting isn’t Working.
Jim feels God speaks to him personally through journaling and his books primarily came to answer a question in his life. They may just help you too.
Pump Up Your Book and Jim are teaming up to give away a $25 Amazon Gift Card!
Terms & Conditions:
§  By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
§  One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive the prize.
§  This giveaway begins September 2 and ends on September 26, 2014.
§  Winner will be contacted via email on October 1, 2014.
§  Winner has 72 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Unlocking Your Spiritual Greatness Book Blitz Schedule
September 2
September 3
September 4
September 5
September 8
September 9
September 10
September 11
September 12
September 15
September 16
September 17
September 18
September 19
September 22
September 23
September 24
September 25
September 26

Guest post: The Inspiration Behind ‘When Shmack Happens’ by Amber Neben

When Shmack Happens coverWhere did I get the inspiration to write When SHMACK Happens? I hit the wall, and I hit it HARD!!  My life, my goals, and my next steps were redirected in a span of a few seconds.  Prior to impact, I was on target to win that huge race at The Tour of California, and I was plotting ahead to more cycling goals, maybe even the 2016 Olympic Games.  After the impact, I laid on the pavement while my body screamed at me because it hurt…  SEVERELY.  Blood poured out of my nose and other parts of me.   I was scared and messed up.  But I was awake, and I could move.

In the midst of the pain and fear that filled me on the side of the road and then in the ambulance, I clung to Jesus.  I didn’t understand why or what had just happened.  I didn’t want to be headed to a trauma center, and I definitely didn’t want to have my dreams cut short by another obstacle.  But I clung.  And He filled me with His strength.

Honestly,   it was a miracle to walk away, and a miracle how fast I recovered.  But even more incredible was that in the aftermath of the crash, I had a peace and a stillness of spirit that was beyond me.  I was very limited to what I could do.  Simply moving was difficult for a few weeks.  However, in spite of the physical trauma I was dealing with, my mind was incredibly clear and crisp, and my heart was not anxious.

I began to think about writing my story, and then God began to pound on my heart “write the story that I have written into your life.”  I had always wanted to write a book, but I had never felt the inspiration to do it until the initial days after the crash.  Although there was a definite tug on my heart to write, I still continued to doubt that I could do it.  I also wasn’t completely convinced I was hearing God accurately, and I only wanted to embark on the journey with His help.  So for two weeks, I prayed often about the idea.

Finally, or desperately, after two weeks of talking to God about everything, I prayed a Gideon like prayer at 5AM.  I know it was 5AM, because I remember checking my phone before getting up to use the bathroom.  My prayer when I laid back down was, “God, if I am hearing you correctly, have Jenna Sampson email me.”  Jenna had written some articles about me for Sports Spectrum, and she would occasionally check on me.  She had promised almost 7 years prior that she would help me write if I ever wanted to.  I hadn’t heaAmber Neben photord from her in almost a year, but when I got out of bed that same morning, I had an email from Jenna arriving at 5:16AM.  Confirmed.  I needed to write.

And yes, I needed to write!   There was no way a ghost writer or another author could truly understand my journey or share those intimate lessons I had learned as I had been walking, struggling, or standing firm in Christ through all the storms.   So I met with Jenna, who agreed to act as my editor, I started praying for words and eloquence, and I embarked on writing WHEN SHMACK HAPPENS.

Link to crash:


Amber Neben is a decorated international road cyclist with victories in 11 countries and multiple UCI Category 1 stage race wins. She is a 2x Olympian, 2x World Champion, 2x Pan American Champion and 2x National Champion. She holds a B.S. from The University of Nebraska and an M.S. from UC Irvine. Amber and her husband, Jason, reside in Lake Forest, CA. For information on speaking engagements or coaching visit


Neben banner

Character Interview: Arkas from K. Madill’s YA Fantasy Novel ‘The Stolen Herd’ – Win $25 Amazon Gift Card

We’re thrilled to be talking to Arkas from Green Forest, Deep Forest, The Silver City, Harshlands, Azure Caves, Elphinstone Mountains…hey, he has wings – he gets around.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00068]Thank you so much for this interview, Arkas.  Now that the book has been written, do you feel you were fairly portrayed or would you like to set anything straight with your readers?

Arkas: It was moderately accurate. She (the author) missed how utterly terrified Mandamus and Luco were when we first met. It was their own fault. They blundered into my territory, so I attacked them. It was written a little more comically than it actually was. Those two were scared out of their minds.  I thought that human, Luco, was going to cry and Mandamus may look like a big, tough horse but he was shaking in his hooves.  

What do you believe is your strongest trait? 

Arkas: My strength, agility, wingspan, and fighting skills.  Not to mention …I can breathe fire!

Worse trait?

Arkas: Well, I have been called short tempered. But I don’t see that as a bad thing at all.

If you could choose someone in the television or movie industry to play your part if your book was made into a movie, who would that be (and you can’t say yourself!)?

Arkas: Probably… Christian Bale. He was a pretty darn good Batman…and seeing as I’m an actual bat, I feel the transition would go smoothly.

At what point of the book did you start getting nervous about the way it was going to turn out? 

Arkas: I must admit, I did get a little worried when we were attached by Aicha, that dirty slug of a water imp. I wasn’t sure I could take him by myself, he’s pretty quick.  Just in the nick of time, Gideon showed up and helped me out, thank goodness.

If you could trade places with one of the other characters in the book, which character would you really not want to be and why?

Arkas: I definitely would not want to be Luco.  Alright, granted, for a human he’s not that bad…but he has only two legs and can’t fly.  He also doesn’t have the nerve to tell that naiad, Lethe, that he likes her. Even after he built her that glass room at the Gates to the Underworld!  He just hangs around mooning over her until Mandamus’ hoof heals, then we leave. Pathetic, if you ask me. I might have to do a little matchmaking there.

How do you feel about the ending of the book without giving too much away?

Arkas: Hey, Luco may be complaining because he’s afraid of getting eaten, but I’m full on ready to journey to the Azure Caves to see King Farzad and the rest of the Snowbreth tribe.  They’re supposedly man-eating monsters, but Gideon wouldn’t have sent us there if that was the case. I will tell you this though – if they do try anything, they’ll be sorry!

What words of wisdom would you give your author if s/he decided to write another book with you in it?

Arkas: If? I’m one of the three main characters of this story so she’d BETTER have me in it.  Hmm…words of wisdom….well, I would like to get back to Luco’s village for more cherry stars and fire whiskey though that’s more of a suggestion, I guess.

Thank you for this interview, Arkas. Will we be seeing more of you in the future? 

Arkas: Of course. Those two (Mandamus and Luco) couldn’t last a day without me. Why, you should see what those dunderheads got themselves into just last week. Only, you’ll have to wait for the 2nd book to find out – ha!

Purchase on AMAZON

Karai MadillA chronic “head in the cloudser” K. Madill lives in a rickety house on a well treed street in British Columbia, Canada.  When she’s not hanging out with her best equine friend in the woods she can be found trying to stay upright on her roller skates or mediating the affairs of her various furred and feathered friends that rule the aforementioned rickety house. 

K. Madill’s website:




Pump Up Your Book and K. Madill are teaming up to give away

a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Terms and conditions:

  • By entering, you confirm you are 18 years of age or older.
  • Raffle runs from 12:00 AM EST on June 2 through 12:00 AM EST on June 28, 2014.
  • Winner will be selected randomly by Rafflecopter.
  • Winner will be notified by email and has 72 hours to claim the prize before a new winner is selected.
  • Prize will be sent via email from the author’s representative.

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Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible Book Blitz – Win $25 Amazon Gift Card

Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible coverTitle:  Rebuilding Civilization on the Bible: Proclaiming the Truth on 24 Controversial Issues
Author: Jay Grimstead
Genre: Religion/Theology/Instruction
Publisher: Nordskog Publishing, Inc.
ISBN:  978-0-9882976-5-4

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About the book:

False teachings threatening to corrupt the Church forced the leaders to join in councils, where they codified the orthodox teaching of the Bible into creeds received by the Church as faithful distillations of Scriptural truth and as a bulwark against future corruption. Error, heresy, and outright paganism are today common in churches that were once sound. Even many “better” churches have little depth to their teaching and are silent on critical issues of the day, and even in some paganism masquerades as Christianity.

This book is the fruit of the work of hundreds of theologians and Christian leaders working throughout a 37-year period to define and defend the key Biblical points on 24 controversial issues — which would not even be controversial if all believed like Jesus and Paul in the inerrancy of the Bible.

This book states the Bible’s position on 24 controversial issues and explains why each document needed to be written. It offers the global Body of Christ tools for reforming the Church and motivating Christians to live in obedience to Christ and to all commands in the Bible intended for us.


“We heartily invite all Christians on this planet who desire to live in obedience to the Bible in all areas of life at all times, to form themselves and their local churches into “United Spiritual Armies” at the city and county levels, and to establish a network with other such churches and “spiritual armies” at their state and national levels with the goal of making Christ King of their cities and nation. We invite you to join with us in applying these 24 DOCUMENTS to the life of the Church and in making 2 Cor. 10:5 a reality. By that we mean that together we are called by God to destroy “speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”

Grimstead photo color

About the author:

Dr. Jay Grimstead was born in Bismarck, ND. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology in 1957 from Sterling College in Sterling, KS. He graduated from Fuller Seminary in 1961 with a Masters in Theology (ThM) and later received a Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree. He spent 20 years on staff with Young Life Campaign, a ministry of clubs and camping to evangelize and disciple non-church teenagers.

In 1984 he founded the Coalition on Revival which created the 17 World-view Documents which state the biblical principles for the various spheres of life and the “blueprints for how the Bible applies to the fields of: Law, Government, Economics, Education, Science, the Media & Arts, Medicine, etc.” Under his leadership, COR organized the International Church Council Project in 1992.

In 2004 and 2005 he organized theological committees in Guatemala, San Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama to discuss and defend certain of the 22 Theological Documents of the Church Council Project which had been translated into Spanish. A year later, Dr. Grimstead gathered national leaders from various fields to create the “24 Year Plan to Rebuild America upon the principles of the Bible.”

Dr. Grimstead now lives with his wife, Donna, a registered pharmacist, in Murphys, CA. They have two grown children, Julie and Guy.  Dr. Grimstead’s favorite hobbies are mountain climbing and playing jazz and blues on his trumpet.

To learn more about Dr. Grimstead and his work, please visit

Pump Up Your Book and Dr. Jay are teaming up to give away a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:

  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • This giveaway begins June 2 and ends on June 27, 2014.
  • Winner will be contacted via email by July 2, 2014.
  • Winner has 72 hours to reply.

Good luck everyone!


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Tactics, Trends, & Traits of the Enemy Book Blitz – Win $25 Amazon Gift Card

TTand T of the Enemy 3D coverTitle:  Tactics, Trends, & Traits of the Enemy
Author: Jermaine Gadson
Genre: Spiritual
Publisher:Crossbooks – Division of LifeWay(June 2014)
ISBN:  9781462736362—Hard Cover
ISBN: 9781462736355—Soft Cover
ISBN: 9781462736348—eBook


Pre-order at:


Tactics, Trends, & Traits of the Enemy by author Jermaine Gadson is a must have resource for believers who want to be well equipped to be victorious against the strategies of the devil. The devil is cunning and deceptive, and he will stop at nothing to keep God’s people from reaching their potential in Christ. In this book, Pastor Gadson discusses how the enemy uses temptation, seduction, fear, isolation, guilt, shame, and other such things in order to steal and destroy a person’s life. Satan works tirelessly through various means and mechanisms to keep sinners from hearing and being receptive of the Word of God, in order to prevent them from being saved. If you have family or friends who are not born-again, this resource will help you to identify schemes that the enemy may be using to keep your loved ones from being saved. This book is intended to equip the Body of Christ to wage a good warfare against the strategies of the enemy. It is not God’s will for His people to be taken advantage of by the enemy because of ignorance. This book exposes who the enemy is, what he has done, what he is doing, and what he will try to do in the future, as an enemy of God’s people. This book is written for the everyday believer to be able to understand and use. However, it is also a helpful tool for Christian leaders to be able to identify specific ways in which the enemy desires to attack them in order to steal their influence, kill their destiny, and destroy their reputation and ministries. In this regard, it is an encouragement to the Body of Christ to guard and protect their spiritual leaders.


Know Your Enemy

Before engaging in battle of any kind, it is very important to be familiar with the opposition. The more you know about your enemy, the greater you will be equipped to fight against them and be victorious. Knowing your enemy includes being knowledgeable of their strengths, weaknesses, habits, origin, and the like. When you are knowledgeable about your adversary, you become empowered to develop a plan of action or strategy to adequately defend against their opposition, overcome their threats and defensive mechanisms, and ultimately defeat them.

Athletes and those who follow sports are familiar and acquainted with this principle. Coaches and players spend hours upon hours viewing video recordings of not only their own team, but of their upcoming opponents as well. They view recordings to evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses as revealed by previous games, and they do the same to identify strengths and weaknesses of the next team they have to face.

This principle is certainly pertinent in the area of the military as well. No military general, or top ranking official who has authority over military personnel will in their right mind authorize the use of military force without adequate information concerning the enemy to be attacked. Right decisions require right information. This is especially true if you want to come out victorious and on top.

Now that we can see the importance of this principle from a natural standpoint, it makes sense that this would also apply spiritually in relation to how we are to do battle with our spiritual enemy. As you read this book, I hope that you will be able to see the importance of this material in helping you towards this very end. The reason this book is so important is because the person reading it is like a ballplayer looking at tape of his or her opponent or a military general gathering intelligence on a terrorist organization.

When you know where your enemy came from, what your enemy has done in the past, and what your enemy is presently capable of, you are more readily prepared to wage a good warfare and defeat him in any present or future encounters you may have.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Jermaine Gadson full photo

Jermaine Gadson is the Senior Pastor of Faith Ministries, Inc., a non-traditional church located in Birmingham, AL. Prior to starting Faith Ministries, he served as an associate minister, youth minister, and pastor for local churches and ministries in the greater Birmingham area.  While, growing up in the Baptist church, he gave his life to Christ at an early age, and is a third generation minister of the Gospel.

He holds a B.A. in Religion with a Concentration in Congregational Studies and a Minor in Classics from Samford University, and a Master of Divinity from Beeson Divinity School of Samford University.  He is currently a Doctor of Ministry student at Beeson Divinity School.

Gadson enjoys reading, writing, sports, outdoors, movies, and spending time with his family. He is happily married to his wife Kristy and they have one beautiful daughter, Khloe.

Visit Pastor Gadson online at

Pump Up Your Book and Jermaine are teaming up to give away a $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:

  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive each of the prizes
  • This giveaway begins May 19 and ends on May 31, 2014.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on June 2, 2014.
  • Winner has 72 hours to reply.

Good luck everyone!

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Tactics, Trends, & Traits of the Enemy Book Blitz Schedule


May 19


Cheryl’s Christian Book Connection

Rebecca’s Writing Services

May 20


Inside BJ’s Head

Literarily Speaking

May 21


Lori’s Reading Corner

Between the Covers

May 22


Vic’s Media Room

As the Pages Turn

May 23


My Devotional Thoughts

Maureen’s Musings

May 26


The Book Rack

Beyond the Books

May 27


Read for Your Future

Little Shepherd

May 28


The Writer’s Life

May 29


The Book Connection

May 30


The Busy Mom’s Daily

Character Interview: Mike Zorich from Ken Malovos’ Legal Thriller Contempt of Court

We’re thrilled to be talking to Mike Zorich, a trial lawyer from Sacramento, California whose story is told in Ken Malovos’ legal thriller, Contempt of Court.

Contempt of Court cover Thank you so for this interview, Mike.  Now that the book has been written, do you feel you were fairly portrayed or would you like to set anything straight with your readers?

I feel that I was accurately portrayed, although there is so much more to me than was stated in the book.  I realize that most of my life is pretty boring, so it was good that that not everything was included.  But I do love to cook and would love to have you and others over to my house to share a meal, a good glass of Chardonnay or Zinfandel and to talk about writing fiction.  I love the outdoors, as you might guess from my running.  I love reading books when I have the time. I really care about others, especially those in my life.

What do you believe is your strongest trait?

My strongest trait is my desire for justice.  I feel that I need to do my absolute very best for all of my clients, and I will fight for them and do whatever is needed.  This desire keeps me going when it is darkest or when I have suffered some setbacks.  When I was a kid, my father always encouraged me to be for the underdog.

Worse trait?

I get too personally involved in the sense that I sometimes lose my objectivity.  I identify with my clients.  As a result, I don’t do my best for them.  I constantly have to work on stepping back a bit and looking at the big picture.  This is true not just for my law career but for my relations with others in general.

If you could choose someone in the television or movie industry to play your part if your book was made into a movie, who would that be (and you can’t say yourself!)?

Matthew McConaughey who played Mickey Haller in The Lincoln Lawyer (book by Michael Connolly), is like the lawyer I would want to be, but he doesn’t look like me at all.  Maybe, Richard Gere would be a better fit.  Anyway, I come out better on this deal.

At what point of the book did you start getting nervous about the way it was going to turn out?

I was nervous from day one.  When I got mugged on the bike trail when I was out for a morning jog, I was very concerned. That kind of thing just doesn’t happen to people in their normal lives.  When the mugger told me that I wasn’t such a big shot lawyer, I instantly knew that he knew who I was. That scared me.  Then when my car was stolen, my home was ransacked and my office was burglarized, I knew I was in big trouble.  As bad as that was, the order by the judge to hold me in contempt of court and to throw me in jail took the cake.  I was in way over my head.  Then everything got worse and I was really worried that I was going to be killed.

If you could trade places with one of the other characters in the book, which character would you really not want to be and why?

I don’t think I could be Robert Cannes, the opposing lawyer in the Darnoff case.  He went along with the system and took advantage of another lawyer.   That was just wrong and he knew it but did it anyway.   I don’t like to look at life or at the practice of law that way.

How do you feel about the ending of the book without giving too much away?

I liked the ending.  For me, it meant that I had no regrets and that I could live with myself and with those I love.  Maybe there was a bit too much excitement for my rather boring life.

What words of wisdom would you give your author if s/he decided to write another book with you in it?

Be true to my character and don’t make me out to be someone I am not.  I have my faults, for sure.  I am not perfect.  I still have not quite figured out how to resolve my feelings for my wife who died six years ago and I don’t quite know what to do with this new woman that I think I love.  I could probably learn how to handle alcohol a bit better.  I know that, but easier said than done.

Thank you for this interview, Mike.  Will we be seeing more of you in the future?

Yes, I understand that I will be next appearing in Fatal Reunion.  I am asked to represent an innocent man, who is accused of killing his old girlfriend when they hook up at a 20-year high school reunion.   The evidence is weak and winning the case should not be a problem.  It makes it so much better that the man I am representing is a likable high school English teacher with no prior record, but I do hate the cases when the defendant is obviously innocent. They are the hardest and put a lot of pressure on me.  Oh well.

About the book: Sacramento trial lawyer, Mike Zorich, is finally coming to grips with the death of his wife from cancer five years ago. There is a new woman in his life.  His son is making his way in the business world. His law practice is going well. And he has a new case that promises to be very demanding.  Members of the Darnoff wine family are at odds with each other, amidst a divorce and partnership dissolution. Then things go wrong. Mike becomes the target of some unexplained personal attacks.  He is mugged on the bike trail and his house is ransacked. Is it someone connected to the Darnoff case?  Is it an old client from his years in the Public Defender’s Office?  Is it some disgruntled witness from a trial? To top it off, Mike is held in contempt of court and remanded to jail.  The attacks continue and only get worse. The authorities don’t have a clue. Can Mike figure it all out before someone is killed?

Purchase on AMAZON! Ken Malovos photo About the author: Ken Malovos is a mediator and arbitrator in Sacramento, CA. Previously, he was a trial lawyer, a public defender for 12 years and a business litigator for 25 years. He is a graduate of Stanford University (philosophy) and UC Hastings College of the Law. Ken is a past president of the Sacramento County Bar Association and Legal Services of Northern California. He is a panel member for the American Arbitration Association, a fellow in the College of Commercial Arbitrators, a member of the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals and a member of the California Academy of Distinguished Neutrals. Contempt of Court is his first novel. He lives in Sacramento with his wife. You can visit Ken Malovos’ website at

Interview with Kim Hilton, Author of Closet Words

Kim Hilton photo

Kim Hilton, MCC, PCC, has a master’s degree in Christian counseling. Founder of Closet Words Ministries Foundation, Kim is a teacher on prayer and listening to God. An avid writer of several books, Closet Words was chosen as the first book to be published with the proceeds going to Closet Words Ministries Foundation. A sought-after speaker and Bible Study leader, Kim has spoken at both national and local events. She resides with her husband on their farm and enjoys spending time with their six grown children and grandchildren. You can find more information on Kim on her website and also on Facebook at

Q: Welcome to Beyond the Books, Kim. Can we start out by telling us whether you are published for the first time or are you multi-published?

Published for the first time.

Q: For your first published book, how many rejections did you go through before you either found a mainstream publisher, self-published it, or paid a vanity press to publish it?

A: I had shared the manuscripts with several editors I had connections with but none picked it up. I made the decision then to self-publish.

Q: How did the rejections make you feel and what did you do to overcome the blows?

A: I continued to seek out other venues and educate myself on the book industry as a whole. I took matters into my own hands and chose to self-publish Closet Words.

Q: When your first book was published, who published it and why did you choose them?

A: Westbow Press. Dec 2012. I chose them because they helped me choose an option that would accomplish my purpose with Closet Words.

Q: How did it make you feel to become published for the first time and how did you celebrate?

A: When I first saw the cover as I had described it, I had chills for over an hour. I celebrated, thanking God for the opportunity to share what He had given me.

Q: What was the first thing you did as for as promotion when you were published for the first time?

A: We held a book launch luncheon which was a lot of fun.

Q: If you had to do it over again, would you have chosen another route to be published?Closet Words Cover

A: No.

Q: Have you been published since then and how have you grown as an author?

A: I have more understanding of the publishing process and book industry.

Q: Looking back since the early days when you were trying to get published, what do you think you could have done differently to speed things up? What kind of mistakes could you have avoided?

A: I should have kept trying and pushed harder.

Q: What has been the biggest accomplishment you have achieved since becoming published?

A: Seeing lives changed of those who read Closet Words.

Q: If you could have chosen another profession, what would that profession be?

A: A Teacher.

Q: Would you give up being an author for that profession or have you combined the best of both worlds?

A: I grew up saying I wanted to be a teacher. I am now a teacher of God’s word.

Q: How do you see yourself in ten years?

A: The author of 10 books.

Q: Any final words for writers who dream of being published one day?

A: Don’t give up. Especially if you know God has given you the inspiration for what you’ve written.

Thy Will Be Done VBT with Ronald Kirk

TWBD larger cover

About the book:

The world cries out for an imaginative but realistic Biblical guide to the life foreshadowed in Christ’s model prayer. No foolish utopia, here is a powerful, comprehensive portrait of a sinful world redeemed and transformed by Christ—including the tools needed to hasten the day.

The author weaves a tapestry of possibility–Christ’s people growing as salt and light, putting flesh on the Bible’s vision of blessing in every aspect of human life and endeavor, bringing joy to all peoples and glory to the One who came to save the world.

“Ron Kirk comprehensively applies the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life” (Peter Hammond, The Reformation Society, South Africa).

Purchasing information:

Nordskog Publishing:




Book excerpt:


Jesus said we know a tree by its fruit. What fruit might we expect when the world has fully given itself to Christ on His terms? How would the world then appear when Jesus Christ generally establishes in the highest degree His Gospel among a receptive mankind, and men systematically apply that Gospel to every area of life?….

Thy Will Be Done thus attempts to present a crafted approach to biblically directed living. In this, applied-faith thinking in each area of life uniquely expresses itself in real life upon Biblically defined life objectives. Everything builds upon a simple set of coherent Biblical principles that speak comprehensively to God’s goals for men in this life in anticipation of eternity….

Rather than seeing this present life as a mere holding tank for eternity, Thy Will Be Done views this life as the first fruits, the down payment on the promises of eternity with Christ.

About the author:


Jesus Christ confronted Ron Kirk with His salvation late in his college career at the University of California, Berkeley. Graduating in 1974, he became a professional landscape architect. In entering his first church ministry, a lack of a Biblical material on education led him to the Christian History Movement and the works of R.J. Rushdoony. Since 1980, Ron has studied and taught the Biblically and historically identified applied-faith theology and philosophy outlined in this book. Its principles have now long proven themselves in the curriculum and methods of pioneering day and home schools founded and administered by Ron. His work has been published internationally and translated into Spanish.  According to Jay and Vickie Dangers of New Hope Uganda Ministries, “Through what you have imparted to us, your lives have touched thousands of people on at least four continents, probably five, and the ripple effect is continuing.”[1] Gloriously married since 1971, Ron and Christina have five beautiful children, five more beautiful sons- and daughters-in-law, and twelve beautiful grandchildren, all walking with Christ.  American Heritage Christian Church ordained Ron as a minister of the Gospel in 1984. Ron has recently joined the foreign missionary staff of New Hope Uganda to assist in establishing a teachers college to supply the nation’s schools with a rigorously Biblical philosophy and practice of education.

Visit Ron online at or like his Facebook page at


[1] From an inscription in a copy of Jennie Dangers, The Long Road to Hope: a day of small beginnings (El Cajon, CA: Christian Services Network, 2006).



Thy Will Be Done VBT Schedule

December 2

Interview at Blogcritics

December 3

First Chapter Reveal at Maureen’s Musings

December 4

Interview at The Book Connection

December 5

Guest post at Cheryl’s Christian Book Connection


December 6

First chapter reveal at Read My First Chapter


December 9

Book spotlight at Literarily Speaking

December 10

Book club discussion at PUYB Virtual Book Club

Book review and guest post at Read For Your Future

December 11

Book spotlight at The Writers Life eMagazine

Interview at Paperback Writer

December 12

Guest post and First chapter reveal at Lori’s Reading Corner

December 13

Book spotlight at Review from Here

December 16

Interview at Broowaha


December 17

Guest post at The Story Behind the Book

December 18

Interview at As the Pages Turn

December 19

Book spotlight and giveaway at The Busy Mom’s Daily


December 20

Book review at My Devotional Thoughts

Guest post at Maureen’s Musings

December 26

Book review at Cheryl’s Christian Book Connection

Book review at A Simple Life, Really?

December 27

Book tour highlights at The Book Rack

Thy Will Be Done banner