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Character Interview: Summer Silva from Anna del Mar’s romantic suspense, ‘The Stranger’



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We’re thrilled to have here today Summer Silva from Anna del Mar’s The Stranger, her newest romantic suspense and the second book of her Wounded Warrior Series, following on the heels of the Amazon bestseller, The Asset. Summer is a twenty-nine year old architect living in Miami, Florida.

It is a pleasure to have Summer with us today at Beyond the Books!

Hi. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Thank you so for this interview, Summer. Now that the book has been written, do you feel you were fairly portrayed or would you like to set anything straight with your readers?

Well, I’d like to start by saying that my trip to Alaska was sudden and unplanned, which explains why I wasn’t exactly prepared for the Alaskan weather and the Bering Sea superstorm that overtook me after my rental skidded on a patch of ice in the middle of nowhere and tumbled down a ravine. I mean. Black ice. Really? We don’t have that in Miami.

Why did you come to Alaska in the first place?

I would’ve never come to Alaska if my sister hadn’t run away with a guy she met on the Internet. But that’s Tammy for you and it fell on me to find her.

I know that, at first, Seth didn’t know what to make of me. But honestly, I didn’t know what to make of him either. He seemed…grumpy and not exactly friendly. All of that, combined with my…err…little secret, made for a bumpy beginning.

What do you believe is your strongest trait?

I’m sensible, dependent, dutiful. I love my family. I’m curious, driven and hard-working. I think I’m pretty smart as well and I’m a very good architect. I design plans, buildings, lives. That’s what I do.

Worse trait?

I can be a little fiery at times. And I have a lot of attitude. I’ve got this little problem that limits me sometimes. I’m what the Athabaskans call a “dream chaser.” But if you want to know more about that, you’ve got to read The Stranger.

Do you have a love interest in the book?

Are you kidding me? Yes, yes and yes! That’s really what the novel is all about. In The Stranger I fall for the stranger himself, the enigmatic Seth Erickson. When I first met him, I thought he was the most aggravating man in the world. I also thought he was delicious to the eyes. Come to find out, he had his hands full. He is a powerful Alaskan tycoon, the scion of his family’s extensive fortunes, fighting off a takeover attempt and dealing with his quarreling family.

Seth is also a helicopter pilot, a wounded warrior struggling to recover from injuries he sustained while serving in Afghanistan, a man haunted by his past and fighting his own set of demons. Seth is a total alpha, brilliant, blunt, systematic and precise, always cool and in command, a man who despises emotion and sticks to his icy logic… well, that is, until he met me!

At what point of the book did you start getting nervous about the way it was going to turn out?

The whole time I was in Alaska I was wondering if I would survive. Not only was there someone inexplicably trying to kill me, but the weather was challenging and summer is a rather brief season in Alaska. I’m essentially a tropical being and I didn’t know if I could make it in Alaska. I mean, Not only did I get stuck in a Bering Sea superstorm. I got charged by a bear. A brown bear. That would never, ever happen in Miami. Not even in my wildest dreams—and I have a lot of those. As to the crash, when the plane went down in the middle of the Alaskan Rage I thought I was dead. Finito. Over.

How do you feel about the ending of the book without giving too much away?

I loved the ending, because I love Seth.

What words of wisdom would you give your author if she decided to write another book with you in it?

Give me some good gear from the start, lady, not a fashion coat and a pair of expensive heels, but something warm and heavy. And boots, give me boots that grip the ground so I’m not sliding all over. Tell me who I’m dealing with, a man haunted by his past, a sexy hunk, inside and out, a deliciously passionate soul whose icy exterior challenges the flame that burns in him, a brave, loyal, generous, kickass warrior who needed me as much as I needed him. Did I tell you Seth is sexy and mouthwatering gorgeous? I mean, that part I could see right away. The rest would’ve given me a head start.

Thank you for this interview, Summer. Will we be seeing more of you in the future?

If Anna del Mar returns to Alaska, for sure you may catch up with Seth and I. If not, you’re off to Africa with Jade Romo and her scrumptious game warden, Matthias Hawking. Those two, you don’t want to miss.



When her sister runs away with a guy she met on the internet, a warmth-loving Miami architect chases her reckless sibling to Alaska and finds her life in danger from more than the elements. Only a stranger, a wounded warrior who is also Alaskan tycoon with a quarreling family as complicated as her own and no time for a lady in distress—let alone one who walks on her sleep—can save her from disaster. Together, two strangers from different worlds and opposite spectrums of the thermometer must unravel the intrigues that threaten their lives to chase after a new dream, together, in majestic Alaska. 


Anna del Mar writes hot, smart romances that soothe the soul, challenge the mind, and satisfy the heart. Her stories focus on strong heroines struggling to find their place in the world and the brave, sexy, kickass, military heroes who defy the limits of their broken bodies to protect the women they love. Anna enjoys traveling, hiking, skiing, and the sea. Writing is her addiction, her drug of choice, and what she wants to do all the time. The extraordinary men and women she met during her years as a Navy wife inspire the fabulous heroes and heroines at the center of her stories. When she stays put—which doesn’t happen very often—she lives in Florida with her indulgent husband and two very opinionated cats.


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