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Character Interview: Arthur from Evy Journey’s novel, The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel & Giveaway

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We’re thrilled to have here today Arthur from Evy Journey’s new novel, The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel.  In his late teens, Arthur is an undergraduate student living in Berkeley, California. It is a pleasure to have him with us today at Beyond the Books!

Thank you so much for this interview, Arthur.  Now that the book has been written, do you feel you were fairly portrayed or would you like to set anything straight with your readers?

The image of me projected to readers comes from my sister Clarissa’s POV so, of course, it’s biased in my favor. But I don’t think I’m as put together as my sister says.

Do you feel the author did a good job colorizing your personality?  If not, how would you like to have been portrayed differently?

I’m just as unsure of myself as my sister is, but since the author decided to tell her story in Clarissa’s POV, readers don’t know how I perceive myself. I would have liked the author to show my own journey finding myself, but this book is primarily Clarissa’s story, not mine.

What do you believe is your strongest trait?

Openness about my feelings.

Worse trait?


If you could choose someone in the television or movie industry to play your part if your book was made into a movie, who would that be?

I sincerely wouldn’t know since I’m not aware of any biracial television or film actors of Asian-Caucasian extraction, particularly one with green eyes.

Do you have a love interest in the book?

Three by the time the novel ends although only two get to be present in this story. The third may be somewhat surprising to some readers, but I had matured a lot the third time I fell in love.

At what point of the book did you start getting nervous about the way it was going to turn out?

About a third into the book, when it became apparent to me that I’m not the main male character in the story despite my sister’s attachment and frequent mention of me.

If you could trade places with one of the other characters in the book, which character would you really not want to be and why?

My father. He’s loving and responsible, but he’s from another world. I think he’s out of touch.

How do you feel about the ending of the book without giving too much away?

I like how the story ends for my sister and Nathan. I was rooting for them to be together, but they both had hang-ups they needed to overcome.

What words of wisdom would you give your author if he decided to write another book with you in it?

In the unlikely event a sequel follows this novel, I think an intriguing angle might be how my love interest changes from two guys to a young woman who’s kinda like my sister. Did I mature or am I bisexual?

Thank you for this interview, Helena.  Will we be seeing more of you in the future?

Most likely not. I’m in the sixth and final standalone installment of Ms. Journey’s Between Two Worlds series. But who knows?


About the Author:

Evy Journey writes. Stories and blog posts. Novels that tend to cross genres. She’s also a wannabe artist, and a flâneuse. Evy studied psychology (M.A., University of Hawaii; Ph.D. University of Illinois). So her fiction spins tales about nuanced characters dealing with contemporary life issues and problems. She believes in love and its many faces. Her one ungranted wish: To live in Paris where art is everywhere and people have honed aimless roaming to an art form. She has visited and stayed a few months at a time.

Author Links  

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads

About the book:

A young woman of Asian/American parentage has lived in seven different countries and is anxious to find a place she could call home. An unusual sale of rare medieval manuscripts sends her and Nathan—an art journalist who moonlights as a doctor—on a quest into the dark world of stolen art.  For Clarissa, these ancient manuscripts elicit cherished memories of children’s picture books her mother read to her, nourishing a passion for art.  When their earnest search for clues whisper of old thieves and lead to the unexpected, they raise more questions about an esoteric sometimes unscrupulous art world that defy easy answers.   Will this quest reward Clarissa with the sense of home she longs for? This cross-genre literary tale of self-discovery, art mystery, travel, and love is based on the actual theft by an American soldier of illuminated manuscripts during World War II.

Buy Links:

Amazon | B&N | Apple Books


Evy Journey will be giving away nine $25 Amazon Gift Cards & 9 boxed sets of the last 3 books in the series, Between Two Worlds! This is the way it works. Evy is touring for six months. At the end of each 2 month period, she will be giving away 3 $25 Amazon Gift Cards and 3 boxed sets of the last 3 books in the series, Between Two Worlds. You will have a chance to win 3 times during her tour!

Terms & Conditions:

  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • Nine winners will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card and a boxed set of the last 3 books in the series, Between Two Worlds.
  • This giveaway starts February 5 and ends July 30.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on March 28, May 31 and July 30.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.

Good luck everyone!

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